

  • 2012-03 ~ 2020-02 | B.E., Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea
  • 2009-03 ~ 2012-02 | English/Chinese, Puil Foreign Language High School, Korea


  • 2022-10 ~ present | Robotics Software Engineer, Wootzano Ltd.
  • 2020-01 ~ 2022-07 | Robotics Engineer, LG Electronics Inc.


Fruit packing robot(2022.10 ~ present)

Robot operating software(2021-12 ~ 2022.07)

  • Tool: C#, Prism framework, WPF, Enterprise arhitecture
  • Role:
    • Design software architecture
    • Wrap external libraries for custom use cases
    • Abstract different types of devices for modularity and extensiblility
    • Develop user interface
    • Apply to production line

Robot-vision system(2021-05 ~ 2021.11)

  • Robot: UR, LG
  • Camera: Intel Realsense, LG
  • Tool: C++, Python, OpenCV
  • Role:
    • Implement hand-eye calibration algorithm
    • Identify how to evaluate the result of hand-eye calibration
    • Automate calibration process
    • Apply object detection algorithm
      • Image processing(threshold, template matching, etc.)

Collaborative Robot(2020-03 ~ 2021.06)

  • Tool: Python, Creo
  • Role:
    • Develop software to test actuators and analyse result data
    • Define CMF specification of the robot
    • Design assembling tools to improve productivity
    • Define assembling order for mass production
    • Follow NPI process

Teleoperation Device(2020-03 ~ 2020-06)

  • Controller: Arduino, PC(Python)
  • Actuator: Dynamixel servo motor
  • Hardware: made by 3d printer
  • Tool: Python, Creo, Makerbot 3d printer
  • Role:
    • Design robot links which connect 6 actuators in series
    • Design circuit to convert full duplex signal to half duplex??
    • Calculate forward/inverse kinematics of 6-axis robot manipulator
    • Develop python program to visualize motion of the robot

Drone Manipulator(2019-03 ~ 2019-06)

  • Controller: Arduino(ATmega2560), ESC
  • Actuator: BLDC motor, Servo motor
  • Sensor: IMU sensor, Geomagnetic sensor, Ultrasonic sensor
  • Remote Controller: Android application
  • Etc: Bluetooth module, Battery
  • Tool: MATLAB, MIT App Inventor, Arduino IDE
  • Role:
    • Control BLDC motor and servo motor using Arduino board and ESC
    • Read and process signal from IMU, geomagnetic sensor, ultrasonic sensor
    • Develop Android application which communicates with bluetooth module
    • Simulate controller with Matlab/Simulink
    • Write flight control logic on Arduino board